Mohism Battle Of Words Without Registering [Version 2023]

Mohism Battle Of Words Free Download is a unique and exciting activity that combines aspects of plan, story, and beliefs. Developed by independent match theater Burning Glass Interactive, the activity is set in old China during the Warring States span and is inspired by the philosophical teachings of Mozi, the creator of the Mohist school of thought.

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In Mohism: Battle of Thoughts, gamers take on the role of a Mohist planner and engage in brutal fights of intellect and logic against rival schools of thought. The game features a variety of play modes, including one – player campaign, regional multiplayer, and website multiplayer, each of which offers a unique challenge and experience.

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The single – participant campaign is the game’s main mode, and it takes players on a journey through historic China as they fight to distribute the teachings of Mohism and unite the diverse warring states. Sections of the promotion are divided into sections. Each of which represents a unique region and features a distinct set of challenges and opponents.

In each book, players may join in conflicts of terms and rationale against foe schools of thought, including Confucianism, Legalism, and Taoism. These battles take the form of disputes, in which participants must use their knowledge of Mohist beliefs to anticipate their team’s arguments and inspire them to join their cause.

The game in Mohism: Battle of Words is focused on strategic thinking and decision – making, as participants must carefully choose their claims and counter – quarrels based on the strengths and weaknesses of their opponent. Players may use their knowledge of these themes to construct persuasive explanations in the game, which covers a wide range of issues, including morality, elections, and economy.

Download the full version of Mohism Fight of Thoughts.

One of the unique features of Mohism: Battle of Words is the inclusion of the &# 8220, Mohist Cannon &# 8221,.
A strong crossbow that players can use to turn the tide of battle. A massive bow known as the Mohist Cannon fires a potent bullet. And it can only be activated by properly arguing a precise place in the argument. Once activated, the Mohist Cannon can bargain catastrophic injury to the enemy’s explanation and offer the player a substantial advantage.

Mohism: Battle of Words has both local and online online settings in addition to the single-player battle. People can compete against their friends in local multiplayer on the same gadget. While website multiplayer allows people to contend against people from around the planet.

The online gameplay function is particularly interesting, as it allows players to compete in ranked matches and rise the leaderboards. Players can also choose from a wide range of garments and equipment to personalize their Mohist planner. Adding a personalized feel to their website fights.


    Players in Deep Strategy: Mohism: Battle of Words must use strategic thinking and swift judgment. With a range of various units to choose from. People must create an army that can successfully counter their critics ‘ troops. Players also have to handle resources and create various buildings to enhance their army’s capabilities.

  • Historical Context: The gameplay is set in historical China, during the Warring States phase. The various groups, units, and houses are many inspired by historical events and numbers from that time period. This adds a level of detail and legitimacy to the activity, which sets it apart from other strategy games.
  • Multiplayer Battles: Mohism: Battle of Words is designed to be a multiplayer game, with up to 4 participants competing against each other in genuine – period conflicts. Participants may form partnerships with other players, trade resources, and work together to defeat their opponents.
  • Flexibility: Players have the ability to customize their forces and properties, allowing them to cut their approach to their playstyle. They can likewise enhance their units and buildings to render them more productive in battle.

Other Characteristics

  • AI Opponents: For players who want to practice their skills or play solo, the game offers AI opponents that can be customized in terms of difficulty level.
    This allows players to hone their strategy before facing human opponents.
  • Free – to – Sing: Mohism: Battle of Words is a free – to – play sport, with extra in – sport purchases available. This enables participants to test the game for free before deciding whether to invest money in its advancement.
  • Unique Gameplay: Mohism: Battle of Words ‘ game is based on the beliefs of Mohism, which emphasizes widespread passion, fairness, and mutual disadvantage. The activity incorporates this philosophy by rewarding athletes who are cooperative and penalizing those who are aggressive. As players must strike a balance between their desire for success and their commitment to Mohism’s tenets, this gives the sport an unusual spin.
  • Global Community: The in-game chat system in Mohism: Battle of Words allows players from adobe premiere pro cc 2015 free download all over the world to communicate with one another. This allows players to learn from each other, discuss tips and strategies, and type relationships with people from different parts of the world.

System Requirements


  • Os: Windows 7 or a newer version
  • Mainframe: Two – key 2.4 Gbps or higher
  • 4 Gb of ram
  • Graphics: Intel Hd 3000 or higher
  • Network: Wifi Web network
  • Storage: 1 Megs applicable space


  • Os: Skylights 10
  • Processor: Quad – key 3.0 Mhz or higher
  • Remembrance: 8 Megs Motherboard
  • Images: Nvidia Gtx 660 or higher
  • Network: Wifi Internet link
  • Store: 1 Gibibyte attainable room


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